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Indian Classic Stars

This blog features stars from the world of Indian classical and allied arts.

in association with ART INDIA founded by Composer-flautist-arts administrator GS RAJAN

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Natya Kala Conference 2007

Natya Kala Conference organised by Krishna Gana Sabha as part of the December festival season in Chennai saw few people attending the lecture demonstrations this year. The theme for 2007 was sangeetham in dance - music in dance. Strange that convenor Bharati Shivaji did not invite a single music composer to present a paper. Nevertheless some of the presentations like Manipuri, Chhau, Nangiarkoothu etc. were educational for dance students of Chennai. Here are some pictures I took during conference days.


Convenor of Natya Kala Conference and exponent of Mohiniattam Bharati Shivaji.

Exponent of Kathak Uma Sharma inugurated the conference with her key note address.

Dance historian Sunil Kothari and GS Rajan

Preeti Patel, Exponent of Manipuri

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supriya mitra said...
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