I n d i a n - C l a s s i c - S t a r s

Indian Classic Stars

This blog features stars from the world of Indian classical and allied arts.

in association with ART INDIA founded by Composer-flautist-arts administrator GS RAJAN

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Ranjabati Sircar

Here are some pictures of Ranjabati. I will never be able to forget her dancing and her wonderful personality. She decided to end her life in her early thirtees.


Unknown said...

Why does she knock on my heart
So wild?
Every time i look..
Despair. Desperation leading to devastation
Glares at me.
She reaches out even from that which she is not.
A soul to be discovered,
A ear yet to be given to those
Words of loss and pain.

A figure of fine art,
Lost it all..
Who was to be blamed?
Was there none to understand her?
None to feel the same?

She wanted to tell perhaps,
But no one listened,
She wanted to care,
But no one was there.
Someone must have failed to reach out,
Either she or we.

What did she think in those lonely hours,
As Life passed her by like
The smoke of her cigarette..
How did music sound to her ear?
Did love ever touch her soul?

I wonder if she ever laughed to her bosom's content..
or was it just a disguise to some sweet sorrow?

-Mrinalini Majumdar
A dedication to RANJABATI SIRCAR

Unknown said...

yeah...she'll be knocking on our hearts fore'er...mrinalini's poem z a tribute to ranjabati...d pride of our country...from all of us...i'm abhinav,from kolkata a member of DANCERS' GUILD...Where still now "NAVANRITYA...D INCREDIBLE DANCE STYLE",created and improvised by both RANJAVATI and her mother,Internationally acclaimed dancer DR.MANJUSHREE CHAKI SIRCAR,is taught wid stern discipline regularly...MRINALINI z a marvellous dancer of NAVANRITYA genre...dz poem z touching our conscience ...we shall be remembering u always RANJA DI...I WANT EVERY GUILD MEMBER TO POST A COMMENT ON DZ BEATIFUL CREATION OF MRINALINI MAJUMDAR as a tribute to Ranjavati Sircar...who took our country to the top of d world of DANCE...and her tremendous genius academic history...and mrinalini...
keep dancing dear...